Thursday, April 16, 2009

From Four Laws to Four Circles...


Robin said...

Yay! Jason posted on his blog! Welcome back! Are you going to use this for youth group?

Devin said...

Where did you find this? A large part of me really likes this. It is straight forward, simple, and to the point. Overall, I would agree with it and love it. To be used as a video and a discussion starter, great.

I just hope that we aren't supposed to start drawing this picture for other people whenever we meet someone who isn't a 'believer'.

Jason, great post!

Jason said...

Got the video from a Christianity Today article that was written last year.

Devin - check out the brown house blog ( to join a conversation between Eric, Robin, Mike and me on the video.

Do we use it as a napkin drawing? Obviously not in every circumstance, just like you don't hand out a tract in every conversation you ever enter. But could it be useful, and is it a great conversation starter in the right context? Absolutely.

Devin said...

Dear Jason,

I miss you.

Love, Devin

(PS - The word verification I have to type for this is 'horni'. NOT COOL!)